Thursday, August 10, 2023

PetPeeves: CART CORRALS ARE CONFUSING... Doesn't it seem tha...

PetPeeves: CART CORRALS ARE CONFUSING... Doesn't it seem tha...: CART CORRALS ARE CONFUSING... Doesn't it seem that people are clueless as to how to push a cart in to the corral, in a straight line, ...

Friday, August 5, 2016


Doesn't it seem that people are clueless as to how to push a cart in to the corral, in a straight line, so that their cart pushes in to the one ahead of theirs and goes as far in as possible.

You've seen how chaotic the carts are - some just shoved in any-which-way, ending up sideways - Or if there is a "line", it so crooked that all of 10 carts can barely fit inside.

Are they that lazy that they can't make sure the cart is neatly put away?

Sometimes I wonder....
It's Been Awhile...

But thought I'd add a few more Peeves that I have come across in the past few years...

11.  How about the Inconsiderates that leave their cart in one of the parking spots - And it's usually a handy one, at that - So that no one can park there.

I have seen this done where the cart corral is just a few feet away, with plenty of room for another cart.

Of course, the cart will sit there until a store employee comes out to bring the carts inside, which could be hours.

I've gotten to the point where, wanting to park in the spot occupied by a cart, I'll just move it myself to a corral.  I now have  a good parking spot and it opens it up for others after I leave.

Friday, August 5, 2011

GROCERY SHOPPING Parking Lot con't

10.  You know, the cart corral is pretty easy to figure out.

3 sides have metal bars and the front is open, perfect for containing the cart when you've dropped off your groceries in your car.

The cart's back side usually folds in to the basket, so that when another cart is pushed against the back, that cart will slide in to the one in front of it, somewhat locking the carts together and "compacting" the line, allowing more more carts to be stored in a given space.

But, it seems, this concept is difficult for a lot of people because you see carts that are sideways, not pushed together or jammed in to a row that isn't wide enough for them!

Also, being a late night shopper, I see corrals that are over filled with carts, sticking way out from where they should have stopped.. A few manage to get lose and roll in to the driving lane of the parking lot...

OK, may be no one is free from the store to bring them inside every once and a while, I can see that...

But, why do people keep adding on to the ever-growing cart line when an alternative is so easy to do?!

This is what I do:

Usually the corral is put in one of the parking spaces and is a little narrower than the spot.

So, the inside of the corral is full, but there is that "free" space next to it that is about the same width as the cart.

I just start a new line next to the corral and hope others will use it instead of continuing to make the inside lines longer!

Pretty simple.


9.  OK, we made it though the grocery shopping despite the carts, customers and cashiers... But, let's back up a bit...

We had to get to the store, more than likely, by car, and that opens up a whole new series of Peeves, even before we get in the store!

One thing I'll mention, but it's not really a Peeve because you can't do anything about it, is the crowded Parking Lot.  If their busy, the likelihood of getting a good parking spot, one close to the store, is almost nil.  More of a frustration than any thing else, especially if it's raining or windy and cold...

Now, for the Peeves!

How about a nice close parking spot you see ahead, but when you are about to pull in to it, you see it's got a shopping cart (or carts) left in the spot and you have to abandon that parking place for one that's further away!

C'mon people!  How hard is it to return your cart to the corrals (metal framed holding areas) and not just leave them in a parking spot?!?!

There are only two reasons I would ever abandon a cart...

One, it there's a nasty lightning storm, I would not press my luck pushing a 4-wheeled lightning arrestor!

Two, would be during a tornado or hurricane when every second matters getting to the safety of your car!

Yeah, I've never been shopping during either one of these events either..

So, basically, put the carts away in their proper place!

Friday, July 22, 2011


8.  This one, again, is probably a popular Peeve, for lack of a better way to put it....

The shopper who slows down the whole process of checking out because he/she is, well let's say, inconsiderate of the others in line.

This can be in a variety of ways...

The Coupon Cutter, the Check Writer-Outer, the Food Stamp User (and then pays for the stuff not covered by the stamps with a check!), the "I've got nothing but Change" payer, the Social Shopper who carries on a long-winded conversation with the cashier when the line is long, the Cart is Full Customer who doesn't let the person with a couple of items go before them, and there are probably more you have encountered and I can't think of right now....

People, please be considerate of the other shoppers waiting to be checked out!

Have your stuff ready to go, don't wait 'til it's all wrung up and then start looking for your pen!

Get it together while you're still waiting in line...

Heck, you probably have been there a long time because of the shoppers mentioned above...

Don't be one of them, please.


7.  OK, let's leave the cart issues (unless I can think of another Peeve) and now we want to checkout.

An obvious Peeve I'll mention, but won't go in to detail because I think it's just about everyone's Peeve is not having enough cashiers for the number of people checking out. Mine too... 'Nuff said...

This one is a particular Peeve of mine and yet, I've never heard any one complain about it...

I do most of my grocery shopping late at night at a 24 hour store, that's when I'm off of work.  We're talking Midnight or so... You'd think stores at that hour wouldn't be crowded or more specifically, you'd wouldn't have a long wait in line...

Generally, that's not the case.  Also, there usually is only one cashier, which means the wait in line can be long if it's crowded...

If there is a long line forming, the cashier will page one of the stock persons to come up and open another lane.

Great! I appreciate the added cashier, and this will happen 99% of the time, they open a lane right next to the original cashier...

Big deal, you say?

Well, here's what happens...  After paying for your stuff, it's time to bag.  And at this hour, you bag it yourself -- No one extra to spare...

So, I'm at the end of the aisle bagging, but so is the person in the lane right next to me and we are almost doing a dance so as not to get in each other's way!

Hate that!

The solution is so simple.  With many more lanes than cashiers (some stores have 10 - 15 lanes), why doesn't the helping cashier just go down one more lane and open?  Obviously, that would leave the lane between the two empty and customers wouldn't be climbing over each other!

Sorry, this has to be my biggest Pet Peeve ever!