Friday, July 22, 2011


7.  OK, let's leave the cart issues (unless I can think of another Peeve) and now we want to checkout.

An obvious Peeve I'll mention, but won't go in to detail because I think it's just about everyone's Peeve is not having enough cashiers for the number of people checking out. Mine too... 'Nuff said...

This one is a particular Peeve of mine and yet, I've never heard any one complain about it...

I do most of my grocery shopping late at night at a 24 hour store, that's when I'm off of work.  We're talking Midnight or so... You'd think stores at that hour wouldn't be crowded or more specifically, you'd wouldn't have a long wait in line...

Generally, that's not the case.  Also, there usually is only one cashier, which means the wait in line can be long if it's crowded...

If there is a long line forming, the cashier will page one of the stock persons to come up and open another lane.

Great! I appreciate the added cashier, and this will happen 99% of the time, they open a lane right next to the original cashier...

Big deal, you say?

Well, here's what happens...  After paying for your stuff, it's time to bag.  And at this hour, you bag it yourself -- No one extra to spare...

So, I'm at the end of the aisle bagging, but so is the person in the lane right next to me and we are almost doing a dance so as not to get in each other's way!

Hate that!

The solution is so simple.  With many more lanes than cashiers (some stores have 10 - 15 lanes), why doesn't the helping cashier just go down one more lane and open?  Obviously, that would leave the lane between the two empty and customers wouldn't be climbing over each other!

Sorry, this has to be my biggest Pet Peeve ever!

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