Friday, July 15, 2011

GROCERY CARTS - The Brains Behind the Machine con't

5.  There are lots of variations to number 4 above...

One that comes to mind can be called the "Friend Encounter" and it almost always goes like this:

Some one shopping with their cart sees a friend who is also shopping with a cart and the two strike up a conversation.  You say, "Nothing wrong with that", right?  Well... Not exactly...

The two slowly make their way down an aisle until they get to the end.  By now, they are both so engrossed in their talk, they don't even realize they are completely blocking any one from entering or exiting.

Remember, two carts -- No easy way, in fact, no way around them at all.

All you can do is hope that they see you and the others that want to get through and give every one some room.

This scenario has Pet Peeve written all over it!

What should they have done?

I say work their way down the aisle in to an open, non-aisle location in the store.  Maybe next to a wall or seating benches, if the store has them -- You get the idea!

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