Friday, July 22, 2011


8.  This one, again, is probably a popular Peeve, for lack of a better way to put it....

The shopper who slows down the whole process of checking out because he/she is, well let's say, inconsiderate of the others in line.

This can be in a variety of ways...

The Coupon Cutter, the Check Writer-Outer, the Food Stamp User (and then pays for the stuff not covered by the stamps with a check!), the "I've got nothing but Change" payer, the Social Shopper who carries on a long-winded conversation with the cashier when the line is long, the Cart is Full Customer who doesn't let the person with a couple of items go before them, and there are probably more you have encountered and I can't think of right now....

People, please be considerate of the other shoppers waiting to be checked out!

Have your stuff ready to go, don't wait 'til it's all wrung up and then start looking for your pen!

Get it together while you're still waiting in line...

Heck, you probably have been there a long time because of the shoppers mentioned above...

Don't be one of them, please.

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